Evangelism USA
EVUSA is living in a world of great opportunity for spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the landscape of the United States…and we are experiencing the favor of God! With His favor, He has given a clear direction, and His timing is now. Yes, we will seek to increase the number of IPHC congregations in America. Let this be our prayer for this new day: “Lord, give us capacity equal to the opportunity!”
Church Planting
Connecting. Coaching. Community.
The Arise 2033 Team is made up of church planters, just like you, who have connected with one another in order to reach the harvest of souls in America desperate for hope—desperate for Jesus. We want to connect with you too! Together we can do more than we ever could alone
The Arise 2033 Team is made up of church planters, just like you, who have connected with one another in order to reach the harvest of souls in America desperate for hope—desperate for Jesus. We want to connect with you too! Together we can do more than we ever could alone
Become a Church Affiliate or Member Church
For the independent church there are many advantages to coming under the spiritual umbrella of the Appalachian Conference:
Church Growth and
Revitalization Training
Higher Education
License/Ordination Programs
Youth Camps and other
Discipleship Ministries
Missions Opportunities
Minister's Summits and Fellowship
IPHC Extension Loan Fund
An Apostolic "Spiritual Covering"
Do you have a desire to plant a church or become an affiliate/member church?
Visit plantachurch.us for more information
Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch!
Current Church Plants